The director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Penn State Abington, Aneesah Smith, has been named to the 2022 Pride Power 100 list by City & State Pennsylvania, a nonpartisan multimedia news firm, as one of the most influential figures in the state's LGBTQ community.
In just three semesters at Penn State Abington, Angelea Francesco has made such an outsized impact that she was selected for the University’s prestigious Eric A. and Josephine S. Walker Award.
Nicole Stokes said her goals at Penn State Abington include highlighting the varied programs, supporting the diverse student population, and effectively communicating how higher education sets students up for success in life.
Sammie Powers, assistant professor of recreation, parks, and tourism management at Penn State Abington, extends her research into equity and access in parks and recreation spaces into her classes.
The Penn State community will be celebrating Pride Month throughout April, with events sponsored by the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity as well as a variety of additional programming across the University's campuses.
"Buddhish: A Guide to the 20 Most Important Buddhist Ideas for the Curious and the Skeptical" offers an engaging, accessible introduction to Buddhism for readers looking to explore a new spiritual tradition or understand the roots of their mindfulness practice.
Penn State Abington education professor Boni Wozolek's scholarship considers questions of social justice and teaching practices that focus on the examination of race, sexual orientations, and gender identities across schools and communities.
"The Gentrification Plot: New York and the Postindustrial Crime Novel" by Thomas Heise, assistant professor of English at Penn State Abington, was published as part of the Columbia University Press Literature Now series, one of the top imprints for the study of contemporary literature.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the Equity Pedagogy Network increased its reach to four campuses, nine collaborating centers and units and also hosts 130 faculty with about 100 members involved in one of their working groups. Casually referred to as "the Network," the group aims to improve societal outcomes for all students and faculty via improved teaching and learning on equity, bias and diversity.